Karen Maddox is known for her custom designs in hooked rugs and for teaching classes and workshops on rug hooking. She is a certified McGown Instructor and teaches at state and regional workshops and camps, as well as the community education program, Kerrville Club Ed. A long-time resident of Kerrville, Texas, Karen is an active member at the Kerrville Arts and Cultural Center. Her work has won awards at KACC and at other local and regional venues. A retired educator, Karen continues to use her creativity and M.Ed. to share her skills in her craft.
Karen’s works have been featured in numerous publications, including Rug Hooking Magazine’s Celebrations, and the Kerrville Daily Times. She has had several rugs and wall hangings in The Association of Traditional Hooking Artists publications, and one – “Giraffe” – was featured on the cover of their magazine.