It has taken a while to post this update, but a month or so ago I finished one of my “works in progress.” Previously I had written about the rug below, “Rug Hooker’s Mandala, II.” It is 100% wool fabric cut #6 and #8 on linen and measures 51″ in diameter. I like how it turned out, and I hope you do too!
Having just returned from our church’s mission trip to Morales, Mexico (where I enjoyed teaching rug hooking to the village), I was ready to get back to work… Work, that is, on my latest creation. So far, I have worked on this rug for about six months. I really like it, and I hope you do too! Here it is, a work in progress…
I hope you like my “new and improved” website. It has taken a while to be built this summer, but this site is much easier to navigate, and that is just what I wanted for YOU. I hope my clients and students will enjoy!
Happy summer from the Texas Hill Country.